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House Calls
Onsite Calls Don't have time to bring your computer in? We can fix your computer in the comfort of your own office. $85/Hour
Basic Computer Training Setup and/or configuration of one user account in the comfort of your own office. Includes training on personalization, security, and everyday usage. training also covers overview of basic software, web browser basics, and how to connect devices. Does not include, diagnosing computer problems, removal of virus/spyware, or installation of drivers or devices. Thirty minutes maximum $139.95
Social Network/Email In-Home Setup Setup and configuration of one new account in the comfort of your own office. Includes training on personalization, security, and everyday usage. Does not include searching for or adding friends/email addresses or importing from a another account. Thirty minutes maximum $139.95
Network Installation Share your Internet, printers, and files with other computers in your business. We will setup two devices with additional devices for $29.95 each. $99.95
Network Troubleshooting and Repair On-Site Troubleshooting of your network, both wired and wireless. We can resolve internal network errors and help diagnose external problems. $59.95